Thursday, June 3, 2010


It is hot already! We have a double playday this Saturday, this will be a rough one! But we will then be back on schedule, so we will finish on time! I am ready for this one to be over... then we are of on vacation and back to get ready for Sept. rodeo and the fall series! Poor Hubby will be exhauseted due to somewhere during the double header, rodeo and all his chores... it is race time again! Him and Bubba will be off to TMS tomorrow afternoon! Hope they enjoy!


  1. We will!

    You need to grab a couple buckets and come gather blackberrys. The South 40 is loaded with 'em.

  2. What kind of Playdays ? That which involve horses ? If so National or American or both ? We do National ,so we may know each other ! Enjoy reading your blog! Blue Angel
